Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Is it Valentine's or S.A.D?

Today is Singles Awareness Day (S.A.D.) just in case you were wondering, also known as, Valentine’s Day. There is no day in the calendar where you are more aware of your singleness than Valentine’s Day. Even if you don’t traditionally celebrate this day, when you see all of those red and/or pink balloons, flowers, candy, cards or whatever and you are single you become immediately sickened by the all romantic love gestures. I’m not trying to be hater because I love all things LOVE. But seriously, do I need to be bombarded with it not just all day but all weekend or rather from December until February 14th?

How about this novel thought, give love all year long. You know that candy that’s going to be on sale Wednesday, how about giving that out on Friday? How about that card, flowers, jewelry, or dinner that you going to get on Valentine’s Day, you give randomly throughout the year. How about saying, I love you, everyday not just one day. Maybe, just maybe, if we give love everyday people would feel validated. People will know they matter. People may be just a little kinder and more pleasant. I’m just saying. It’s a novel thought but it might just work.

As a side note, I say all that to say, if I had a Valentine I would be one of those sickening people. So a note for my future boo I expect a Valentine on Valentine’s Day but also expect Valentine’s year-round. Just a FYI…I’ll do the same. I believe in reciprocity.

So here on this S.A.D I'll be eating Valentine’s candy from my original Valentine, my daddy.

I say, I LOVE YOU not just today but everyday.

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