Saturday, June 30, 2012

Blessed/ Living My Life Like It's Golden Makeup Look

I'm so BLESSED and so excited about going to the Jill Scott Block Party Tonight. I wanted my look to evoke joy, happiness, and fun. Enjoy this post!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Like Junkies Find Drugs; I Find Starbucks & Spas

This week I was in Chicago for work. Upon travelling to work, I was dreading the trip not because of the people or the work but more so for the extremely long work hours. If any of you work 12-15 hour days; then you know the toll this can take on your body. 

Day one the stress took its toll. I had so much tension in my neck and left side of my body I was not sure if I was going to be able to sit up straight by the end of the day. My first saving grace was the Starbucks located at the bottom of my hotel. The second saving grace was access to the club level so I could make my own tea for free all day, everyday. My third saving grace was finding a place to relax, DQ Luxury Reflexology Massage & Relaxation Retreat, located two blocks south of my hotel.

In retrospect, I suppose it isn't hard finding a Starbucks since one is located on almost every corner in most major cities. However, finding a spa or a place to relax when you are away from home can be more challenging. Somehow, though, I managed to find a place to lay back; wrap up in a blanket; zone out to relaxation music; watch some guided imagery; and get my head, head, and feet rubbed all at the same time. 

Like junkies find drugs; I find Starbucks and spas to take me away from the stress & madness around me take me to my happy place. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Dedication to Robin Roberts: A Positively Beautiful Day

In honor of Robin Roberts, the mentor/role model/big sister/aunt/family member, in my head. I decided to do a vlog to encourage myself and others to make today and everyday a positively beautiful day. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

MT Tutorial 3: Eyeliner & Mascara

The last step to a complete eye look is the liner & mascara. Your look is not complete without them! Here are the tools & instructions need for this look.

1. Choose an intensity level for your look (i.e. simple, dramatic, etc...). For dramatic looks, use a liquid or gel liner. For simpler looks use a pencil.
2. Always apply liner starting from the base on of your lash line to the edge of the hair follicle. 
4. Pull eye lid, make it taut!
5. Apply liner in three parts: middle, outer, and inner. Start with the middle, then outer, then inner especially when using a liquid or gel liner.
6. For mascara, start at the base of the lash line and in a wiggling up motion apply mascara. 
7. Close your eye and then apply mascara using a rolling motion from the lash line to 
the end.
8. Apply mascara & liner to lower lid, if you want.

MT Tutorial 2: Basic Eye Look with Neutral Colors

Ever wonder how to do a basic eye look? Well, this is the video for you- a basic, neutral eye using a 3 color palette. Thanks for watching. Enjoy!

1. Find a great neutral color palette for you. A palette means there is more than one color and they are in the same color family.
2. Prime your eyes with an eye makeup primer. I used Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion.
3. Use a great brush. I love the MAC 217 Blending Brush.
4. Apply the middle/ in between color to your eyelid.
5. Apply the darker color to your crease. The crease is where your eye folds when you close your eye.
6. Apply the light color under the arch of your brow.
7. Make sure you are blending along the way. To blend means to use a back and forth swiping/ windshield wiper motion to mix colors so there they flow seamlessly into each other.

MT Tutorial 1: Eyebrow Explosion

Welcome to my first tutorial- Eyebrow Explosion. This is a basic tutorial on defining & shaping your eyebrow. Enjoy!

For those that want to know how to do a basic eyebrow look. Here are the instructions below:
1. Give your brow definition and shape by waxing, threading, tweezing, etc...
2. Use a brow brush to clean them up by using an upward and out brushing motion.
3. Use a concealer to trace and outline of your brow shape above and under your brow.
4. Use an angle brush and apply eyebrow powder using the same upward & out motion.
5. Set your brows using a brow sculpter gel. Again, make sure you are applying it using a upward & out motion.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Go Get It: Dreams, Vision, Purpose

Welcome back to Vlog #3: This vlog is dedicated to going to get your dreams and making them a reality. My face looks so crazy in this freeze frame below but trust me it's an uplifting blog. Enjoy!