Sunday, February 22, 2015

She Wax It All Off: Brazilian Wax Tips

On last week's episode of Black-ish, Dre pointed out that Beau had a gray hair on her lady parts. This discovery made Beau get a wax. She didn't go through the appointment because her youngest daughter accompanied her and couldn't understand why you would do something painful that you really don't want to do for beauty. The sub-plot of the show was hilarious to me because I am a firm believer and proponent of waxing the "netherlands".

I have been waxing for last eight years. My journey actually started after a break-up. I wanted to be feel empowered and confident. My friend suggested I get a wax. I thought it was just a great idea. I would feel sexy and no one would know but me. It's my little secret (but I guess not so secret right now).

In the words of Reta, from Parks & Recreation, "Treat Yo Self". It's empowering to own your femininity and sexuality. Above all things, you will feel fresh, clean, and smooth for weeks.

Check out the video below for some helpful tips, tricks, and pointers to making your trip "down south" a pleasurable one.

Four Areas of Concern/ Questions

  1. Pain & Discomfort
  2. Exposure
  3. Stream of Flow
  4. How Long Will It Last?

Things to Consider
  1. No Value Salons!!!
  2. Cleanliness Above All!!!
  3. Do it empower and feel good about yourself and no one else. 
Please leave comments and questions below. Thanks for reading and watching.

"Lovie Notes"

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Not Just a Makeup-nista but a Travelnista

This past week I was in DC for work before I left the city I decided to spend some time exploring the city. My neighborhood of choice-Georgetown but before G-Town I had to stop at Ben's Chili Bowl. I hopped on the Metro and made my way to chart some new territory. As a way of making it fun, I decided to take pictures of whatever I thought was interesting whether that be things, places, or people. Come along on the journey with me. 

First Stop- U Street for Ben's Chili Bowl 
Headed out on my Journey

Welcome to Georgetown- Quaint Bookstore 
Purchased at Bookstore for Airplane reading- Mindy the BFF in my head

Next Stop: Sprinkles Cupcakes
Key Lime & Lemon Blueberry- I still haven't eaten them

I love Hydrangea- spotted them outside a museum
Selfie outside the museum
Second Cupcake Stop of the Day

Home of DC Cupcakes on TLC 
The line was wrapped around and down the street
Word of the Street: Cupcakes don't taste that good.

The streets were lined with these beautiful flowers
Serendipity 3- Home of Frozen Hot Chocolate

I didn't stop but see you in New York in August
Jarmal, who I met at work, manages the best jewelry store
Alex and Ani, these bracelets will be birthday gifts to myself.
While there they recommended another cupcake shop. 

View of the Canal on my way
to the next Cupcake shop
3rd Cupcake Stop recommended by Jarmal

I did try this cupcake- It was
DELICIOUS- Chocolate with
Peanut Butter
Do you see the long line of treats?
I think Jarmal was right about this place.

I needed a cute phone case in my life!!!
Hey, there were having a great sale.
Then I was stopped by this lady's
shoes. I just thought her entire outfit was
fabulous and totally me. 

As you can see my adventure ended up being a walking tour of cupcakes which was totally unintended but that's what adventures are- unintended, unexpected happenings. The next time you are travelling try making it a game- scavenger hunt, walking tour, etc... to fully enjoy the city.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Makeup: It's Not Just For External Purposes Only

Makeup is great for masking and covering but our internal makeup is what matters most. How you feel about yourself? Do you know the status of your vital signs? Are you comfortable where you are physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually? This is the makeup that matters most. Coming from a place of vulnerability I am sharing with the world my challenges with body image and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Join me on the beginning of my internal makeup journey.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

2012 Year End Review: Lessons Learned

It's definitely not Hotlanta tonight as it is cold and windy so I am taking this cold weather as an opportunity to reflect on the year that was, 2012. This year has not exactly been the best year as it has been filled with shocking loss, misguided direction, unfulfilled desires, and life or death lifestyle changes, just to name a few, but even with those challenges life is still great. I'll just call 2012 my year of growth because there were so many valuable lessons learned. To close out the year, I would like to share some of those lessons with you. This is a two part video because I couldn't fit all my lessons into just one so make sure you watch Part 1 & Part 2.

Do me a a favor as you are watching, reflect on your year, write down some of the lessons learned, and feel free to share those lessons with me. As you will hear in Part 1, I thought a lesson was just for me but it was actually a lesson I was supposed to share. You never know what someone can learn from your journey. Thanks in advance for sharing. Love you much..muah.



Monday, December 10, 2012

Makeup Therapy by Kim is Now Open for Business

Hello Makeup Therapy Followers,

I know it's been a while since my last post but things have been happening for me. In the past few months, I have gotten several requests to consult & apply makeup for special occasions. So, in response to the requests, I have started Makeup Therapy by Kim. Makeup Therapy by Kim is the real-life application of all the things I discuss in the blog. This real-life application includes:
  • Lip Rx (coming early 2013)- My special, homemade lip treatment made with all natural products includes lip exfoliation & conditioner
  • Basic Makeup Rx Consultation
  • Basic Makeup Rx Application
  • Special Occasion Makeup Rx Application
  • Makeup Rx Individual/ Group Lessons
  • Eyelash Rx (with strip lashes)
Contact me, Kim Walker, at for more information.

Check out one of my first client's before & after shots:



Monday, October 8, 2012

Trend Report: Fall 2012 Makeup Trends

I have pulled the Top 10 Fall Makeup Trends from Allure Magazine. In the video, you will see that I have four trends having at the same time.

  1. Black Cherry Lips
  2. Groomed Eye Brows
  3. Picture Perfect/ Flawless Face
  4. Black Cherry/ Wine Colored Nails
These trends do not need a tutorial to accompany them, although, I do have a video on eye brows which was posted earlier this year. You can reference that video if you would like to learn more on groomed brows. 

Check out the video and as always leave your comments.

New Happenings...

The Makeup Therapy Blog/Vlog is catalog of the personal expressions that I want to share with the world, in hopes, that it will be informative and entertaining. In addition to makeup tutorials,  I am adding two more segments to the blog:

  1. The Trend Report
  2. Random Musings
The Trend Report is my take on current fashion trends. I, by no means, would consider myself a fashionista, even though, my 8 year niece says I am her fashionista (kids are so cute). I've already posted my first Trend Report on Stackable Bracelets. More to follow as we continue on through Fall onto Winter. Feel free to share the trends you love with me. 

Random Musings is exactly what is sounds like; it's my random thoughts about love, life, and all things random. In talking to my girlfriends, I realize I have opinions about almost everything. Sometimes they agree and sometimes they don't but one thing is for sure my random musings spark conversation. I have posted below my first two random musings: Transformation and Commitment. 

As always leave your thoughts and comments. 
Random Musing: Transformation 

Random Musing: Commitment