Sunday, February 22, 2015

She Wax It All Off: Brazilian Wax Tips

On last week's episode of Black-ish, Dre pointed out that Beau had a gray hair on her lady parts. This discovery made Beau get a wax. She didn't go through the appointment because her youngest daughter accompanied her and couldn't understand why you would do something painful that you really don't want to do for beauty. The sub-plot of the show was hilarious to me because I am a firm believer and proponent of waxing the "netherlands".

I have been waxing for last eight years. My journey actually started after a break-up. I wanted to be feel empowered and confident. My friend suggested I get a wax. I thought it was just a great idea. I would feel sexy and no one would know but me. It's my little secret (but I guess not so secret right now).

In the words of Reta, from Parks & Recreation, "Treat Yo Self". It's empowering to own your femininity and sexuality. Above all things, you will feel fresh, clean, and smooth for weeks.

Check out the video below for some helpful tips, tricks, and pointers to making your trip "down south" a pleasurable one.

Four Areas of Concern/ Questions

  1. Pain & Discomfort
  2. Exposure
  3. Stream of Flow
  4. How Long Will It Last?

Things to Consider
  1. No Value Salons!!!
  2. Cleanliness Above All!!!
  3. Do it empower and feel good about yourself and no one else. 
Please leave comments and questions below. Thanks for reading and watching.

"Lovie Notes"